Elevate Disability © 2025
Assistance for Participants impacted by flooding and severe weather
Last week, parts of Queensland and northern New South Wales received their average annual rainfall in less than a week. While waters are now starting to recede, we encourage anyone who needs assistance to first contact emergency services and follow any evacuation directives to ensure your own safety and wellbeing.
As a result of the extensive flooding and severe weather, the NDIA has advised that offices in Queensland and New South Wales remain closed. Participants impacted by the weather requiring assistance are encouraged to contact the NDIS National Contact Centre on 1800 800 110.
In addition to support provided by the NDIA, some Participants may qualify for financial assistance from the federal government. The Australian Government Disaster Recovery Payment is a lump sum payment for people impacted by the flooding and severe weather. Eligible persons can apply for the payment from today, 1 March 2022 for a period of up to 13 weeks. To confirm your eligibility, visit the Services
Australia website.
As a provider located in the Brisbane area, we know exactly how harrowing the last few days have been. Our business continuity plan was enacted over the weekend, ensuring that our Participants could continue to rely on our services to keep them safe and well. And now, the clean-up begins. If you would like to assist our community in the clean-up, you can register your interest to join the Mud Army 2.0. Likewise, if you or your neighbours have been impacted and need assistance with the clean-up, you can register with the Brisbane City Council to receive help from the volunteer clean-up crews who will be assembled in the coming days. Stay safe everyone.