Support Coordination
How Elevate Disability can add value to your NDIS plan
Have you recently been confirmed as a participant in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) with specific funding for Disability Support Coordination?
Elevate Disability provides NDIS Support Coordination to help you make the most of the disability support services you can access under your NDIS funding plan.
Embarking on your NDIS journey can be daunting at first, but we are here to guide you along the way and help you to achieve your goals.
Our specialist knowledge of local informal, mainstream, community, and funded supports will match you to the services specific to your needs, all the while providing a range of options for you to choose from.
How does NDIS Support Coordination work?
Support Coordination is provided within the Capacity Building category of the NDIS to help you achieve your goals set out in your plan. Support coordinators use their in depth knowledge of the NDIS and local service providers to connect you to the best possible services and ensure that you are on track to meet or exceed your goals.
Not every plan will include NDIS Support Coordination and the number of hours provided per year will vary from person to person.
You are more likely to receive funding for a Support Coordinator if your disability is degenerative in nature and will require regular review due to changing needs, you have complex needs and will be receiving multiple supports, or if you have a limited or no informal support networks.
As outlined under the NDIS, there are three levels of NDIS support coordination that can be included in your plan:
1. Support connection
This support is to build your ability to connect with informal, community and funded supports enabling you to get the most out of your plan and pursue your goals.
2. Support coordination
This support will assist you to build the skills you need to understand, implement, and use your plan. A support coordinator will work with you to ensure a mix of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently, and be included in your community.
3. Specialist support coordination
This is a higher level of support coordination. It is for people whose situations are more complex and who need specialist support. A specialist Support Coordinator will assist you to manage challenges in your support environment and ensuring consistent delivery of service.
NDIS Support Coordination is intended to build skills to the point where help is no longer needed for planning. For some of you, this will mean you only need funding for one year. For others, this capacity building will continue for a long time.
The important thing we focus on at Elevate Disability is that Support Coordination is focused on skill building and progress. We can help determine whether it is needed ahead of each plan review meeting and, if so, ensure it is included in planning considerations.
Examples of assistance provided by NDIS Support Coordinators
Elevate Disability’s role as a Support Coordinator includes helping you to:
- Assess all the options for mainstream, community, informal and provider supports.
- Implement your NDIS plan including help to choose preferred options or providers and over time increase your capacity to manage your own supports.
- Organise assessments to determine the nature and type of funding required (e.g. assessment to determine the type of complex home modifications required).
- Negotiate services and prices, develop service agreements, and create service bookings with preferred providers.
- Help decide the budget for each support type.
- Get value for money for the supports you receive (make sure you get the full value of your plan).
- Investigate, negotiate and resolve problems or issues that arise.
Start the conversation
Let us get you started on the path to successfully implementing and evaluating your NDIS support plan. For NDIS Support Coordination focused on achieving your goals, contact us today.
Start the conversation
Let us get you started on the path to successfully implementing and evaluating your NDIS support plan. For NDIS Support Coordination focused on achieving your goals, contact us today.